Set it into motion


First of all, sorry for not being active in the last two months. I decided to take a break from blogging, but i’m back!

In these past two months, I’ve had a lot of time to reflect and dream. God reminded me of so many things, that i won’t be able to share in just this post (so keep a lookout). One of them being, setting things into motion. I know i’ve done a post with a similar theme before but God is always giving us a fresh and new revelation about the same topics.

I’ve always been someone to “put things on hold”, a major procrastinator!!! God finally called me out on this in recent days. A major lesson I was reminded of recently was that if God gives you a task and you keep hesitating on it or putting it off, He will eventually find someone else who is more “willing” and “eager”.

This can either be taken as a huge slap in the face or a major wake up call. I prefer the latter and actually learn from it.

Who wants to live in regret and what ifs!? Not me!

It’s natural to doubt our abilities and look at our talents and abilities as not good enough. But God can use whatever is in your hands! I know you know this, but God won’t give you a task if you can’t handle it.

Let’s stop making excuses about why we can’t but let’s rather list and focus on the things we CAN do!

I’m tired of seeing someone else do what i possibly could’ve done because i had doubts.

Heres my challenge to you :

  1. Stop Doubting!
  2. Start Doing!
  3. Start Believing!
  4. Start Testifying!

I pray this encourages!


You are loved!